Op de volgende pagina's vindt u onze persberichten met beschikbare screen- en packshots en andere gedetailleerde informatie over alle actuele producten. Daarnaast vindt u fragmenten uit de actuele berichtgeving over MAGIX, testresultaten van vaktijdschriften en beeldmateriaal betreffende de onderneming.
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download.com [CNET] (US) - n.d.
MAGIX Music Maker
VEGAS Pro 14
SOUND FORGE Audio Studio
toptenreviews.com (US) - 03/04/2017
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro
"This program offers professional-level tools in a consumer-level application, making it a good choice for both novice and advanced video editors." | TopTenReviews
software.informer (US) – n.d.
MAGIX Music Maker
"This fully-functional and full-featured music creation tool is now free of cost - it is perfectly suitable for both amateur and professional music lovers and composers in need of a customizable and flexible creation tool with professional output quality." | software.informer
CHIP (DE) - 02/2017
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Plus
"Extremely powerful with a wide range of editing options"