22. August 2016
The Automatic Shot Match Feature in Movie Edit Pro

It’s a familiar problem: you’ve got lots of different video clips, but their color and tonal values don’t match. However, this automatic feature in our flagship video editing program can help.
Already present in Video Pro X, the fully automatic shot match feature has been available to Movie Edit Pro Plus and Premium users since August 25, 2016!
So what exactly is shot match?
Shot match basically means that the appearance of an individual recording is transferred to another. The colors and tonal values are adjusted to create a color image.
While this can be carried out automatically in new editing programs, you can also work manually using the pipette tool to select certain points and enhance them.

One look – many benefits
It’s proven that a uniform image with a consistent color concept is perceived as more pleasant by the human eye. Budding filmmakers can harness this effect and use it in their next blockbuster production.
The basic concept is that the viewer recognizes more details in a video with a uniform, graduated color. Subtle dark-light transitions let an image include more information.
That’s why it’s a good idea to use soft color transitions in order to create uniform scenes. Tell your stories through visually intriguing images and videos.
How to use shot match in Movie Edit Pro
To use shot match in Movie Edit Pro Plus all you need to do is go to the Effects area in the Video Effects tab and select the last point. Select an object and then simply apply the effect to your clip.

Shot match makes it possible to adjust the colors and tonal values of different scenes in order to create a uniform appearance. This means that you no longer have to worry about changes of conditions while filming – the program does most of the work!
The end result is a moving image that looks fantastic and contains perfectly matched light conditions.
Movie Edit Pro – The perfect video studio
Movie Edit Pro is impressive with its unique combination of powerful tools and intuitive operation. The program includes a clearly designed user interface, the automatic shot match feature and comprehensive 360° editing. And you can try out a 30-day free trial of the latest version of Movie Edit Pro Plus with automatic shot match herehttp://dl03.magix.net/trial_movieeditproplus2019_dlm.exe!
Find more information about the extensive features in Movie Edit Pro on our website here.
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