Free user presets for Vandal.
These presets for the Vandal virtual bass and guitar amp can be downloaded for free and easily integrated into your setup. The presets have been developed with Vandal users. If you've designed your own presets and would like to share them with other users, drop us a line at!
Killah Trakz Vandal presets

Integrating the free presets in Vandal (VST)
In order to use the presets in Vandal, you'll need to copy them into the program folder.
The folder can be found under the default location:
If you've changed the folder manually, just click on the preset button in Vandal to go to the folder directly.
Integrating the user presets in Vandal for Samplitude Pro X2
If you've received Vandal as part of Samplitude Pro X2 or Pro X2 Suite, you'll find the following folder in the Samplitude program files:
C:\ProgramFiles\Magix\Samplitude_ProX_2\Programmdata\MAGIX Plugins\Vandal\Presets
As soon as these presets are copied into the correct folder, they'll be automatically recognized by Vandal when the computer is restarted and will appear in the preset list.