Digitize your VHS Collection Using a Video Grabber
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The video grabber is used to convert analog video footage, such as VHS recordings, into digital formats on your computer. It connects the video recorder and computer in such a simple way that even people without any experience can digitize video. Software for video editing is needed to save and edit the footage transferred to the computer. Once the transfer starts, the video grabber immediately converts the information contained on videotapes into digital signals, which the software thenimmediately saves on the computer. After the entire film has been rendered, the video is available in digital form and can be archived on the hard drive immediately.
The advantage of digital format is that it can be edited directly on your computer. Videotapes that have been lying around for years in your collection at home not only have a thick layer of dust. After being played over and over and being stored for years on end, VHS tapes also lose their picture and audio quality. This is why you should transfer the data using a video grabber and refresh the picture and sound right away so that you can return it to its original condition. After all, the commercials that interrupt films recorded from TV are often annoying. Once the video has been digitized with the video grabber, you can shorten unwanted scenes as much as you want or even cut them out entirely. Once the last edit is finished, you can burn the completed video to DVD and watch it on a TV. The program features a wide range of templates with just the right DVD menus that allow you to burn the DVD at the touch of a button. The right combination of a video grabber and software is everything you need to digitize videos and for creating a DVD with ease. With Rescue Your Videotapes! from MAGIX, you're buying a bundle of software and hardware and don't need to buy another program for video editing and additional hardware, such as Logilink. Since the components of this bundle are precisely matched to each other, you can transfer your VHS to your PC right away without installing countless drivers or similar items in advance.

Touch up color and sound after digitizing with the video grabber
The MAGIX package Rescue Your Videotapes! also includes the video grabber, and Video easy, the perfect software to edit digitized videos. You can also cut out parts of the video with the video editor.