Convert Cassette to CD: Digitize Music from Audio Cassettes
Classic cassette recorders and spare parts for possible repairs are difficult to find nowadays, as the formerly very popular analog devices are almost no longer manufactured due to rapid technological development.
That's why it's best to digitize old recordings from cassettes and then save them on CD. Since the recordings on tape used to be listened to very often or even recorded over, cassettes today often suffer from signs of wear and tear and a deterioration in the sound.
MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab includes the necessary software and hardware components to digitize recordings from analog media such as audio cassettes via USB and later burn them to CD or DVD. With the software, you can cut your music together and of course, digital recordings can also be converted into other formats. For example, MP3 files can be edited - and you can enjoy your music in the desired format.

In MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab the included preamplifier connects the tape recorder to the computer via USB, and it can be used for recording on the computer. You can also Dubb in real-time with a mouse click. The software first digitizes the contents of the cassette as an audio file and then the user can enhance the quality of his songs and old recordings with effects and presets. Dubbing from the cassette recorder is particularly worthwhile for old tapes with voice recordings, recordings, or your own singing from childhood days. After all, these little journeys through time are usually even more fun today than they were when they were recorded.
But not only your own recordings can be transferred from cassette to CD with the software and the USB preamplifier. Radio plays on cassettes were not only very popular in the heyday of tape recordings. The cassettes were played to the children night after night to help them fall asleep – and the tapes were also a must during long car journeys. The constant playback in the cassette recorder, in combination with increasing age, inevitably leads to a loss of quality of the audio recordings at some point. Songs copied from the radio or other albums to cassettes were always a nice gift for a friend. Unfortunately, both the volume and quality of the music on these mixtapes often fluctuate. All of these problems belong to the pass! With MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab you can solve it with just a few clicks.
After recordings from the cassette to the hard drive are successfully copied, you can easily remove noise, improve sound quality, and burn the results to CD with the highest quality. But treasures that already exist in digital form can also be easily converted and brought into other formats (e.g. converting MP3 to MP4). Dubbing the cassette to CD or hard drive via USB is an effective means of ensuring the quality and archiving of treasures thought lost.